We Connect Communities to the Financial Services They Need the Most


Since 2005, Sage Financial Solutions has developed financial education & coaching programs to support more people across the income spectrum with making good financial decisions, and ultimately creating the lives they truly desire.

Our commitment to excellence in financial programming means we’ve reimagined financial education, training and guidance to meet the real-world needs of inclusive communities.

We Connect Communities to the Financial Services They Need the Most


Since 2005, Sage Financial Solutions has developed financial education & coaching programs to support more people across the income spectrum with making good financial decisions, and ultimately creating the lives they truly desire.

Our commitment to excellence in financial programming means we’ve reimagined financial education, training and guidance to meet the real-world needs of inclusive communities.

Case Studies

When your organization partners with Sage Financials Solutions to develop financial capability programs, we commit to building the capacity of your staff and educating the people they serve.

Click to learn more about how we served each organization.

Oakland Promise

In 2017, in partnership with Oakland Promise, we designed the financial coaching component of the Brilliant Baby program, which provides Child Savings Accounts (CSA) and resilience-building financial services education.

We designed the Brilliant Baby coaching to:

  • Offer 1:1 financial coaching to parents and caregivers
  • Support children’s early healthy development and school-readiness.   
  • Encourage parents and guardians to open college savings accounts for babies 
  • Build a more supportive community

Sage Financial Solutions has provided coaching sessions to over 1500 underrepresented families in the Oakland area.

    Black Infant Health

    In 2012, we partnered with Black Infant Health (BIH) to train family health advocates as part of a financial empowerment program piloted across the state of California.

    The program consisted of: 4 group sessions that deepened conversations about financial values, the connections between wealth, money and health, financial goal-setting, and saving/managing money.

    Participants hailed from diverse backgrounds – ranging from college graduates to people coming out of substance recovery. 

    The Financial Empowerment Program was an outstanding success and resulted in:

    • Deep participant engagement,
    • Participants developing stronger bonds with one another, and
    • Staff and participants setting & achieving financial goals
    Our Impact

    Some of the nation’s most well-respected community-based and non-profit organizations nationwide partner with us to design their financial capability programming.

    Sage Financial Solutions Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization | SITE CREDIT | PRIVACY POLICY | 2023